引用本文: | 涂其栵, 章熙春.玻璃窑炉传递函数的闭环辨识[J].控制理论与应用,1988,5(3):85~91.[点击复制] |
To Kelai, Zhang Xichun.Closed-loop Identification of Transfer Functions of a Glass Furnace[J].Control Theory and Technology,1988,5(3):85~91.[点击复制] |
玻璃窑炉传递函数的闭环辨识 |
Closed-loop Identification of Transfer Functions of a Glass Furnace |
摘要点击 1198 全文点击 447 投稿时间:1987-09-24 修订日期:1988-02-02 |
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DOI编号 |
1988,5(3):85-91 |
中文关键词 |
英文关键词 |
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中文摘要 |
本文讨论了切换两个独立的低阶调节器进行闭环辨识的方法,并利用该方法辨识了玻璃窑炉中重油流量对炉温以及二次风流量对炉温的传递函数。最后,进行了闭环和开环验证。 |
英文摘要 |
The identification of transfer functions of linear systems operating in closed-loop has been the subject of much research in recent years [1-4]. This paper presents an identification method of switching two independent lower order regulators. By using this method we estimated the transfer function of the furnace temperature changes to the variations of fuel oil flow rate and the variations of the combustion air flow rate in the glass furnace. Results are verified by open and closed-loop tests. |