引用本文: | 王耀青,吕勇哉.具有指定闭环特征值的离散时间最优调节器的设计[J].控制理论与应用,1991,8(2):135~141.[点击复制] |
Wang Yaoqing,LuYongzai.The Design Discrete-Tine Optimal Regulators with Assigned Eigenvalues[J].Control Theory and Technology,1991,8(2):135~141.[点击复制] |
具有指定闭环特征值的离散时间最优调节器的设计 |
The Design Discrete-Tine Optimal Regulators with Assigned Eigenvalues |
摘要点击 1070 全文点击 868 投稿时间:1988-09-09 修订日期:1990-08-01 |
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DOI编号 |
1991,8(2):135-141 |
中文关键词 最优调节器 LQ逆问题 加权矩阵 特征值 特征矢量 |
英文关键词 optimal regulator LQ inverse problem weighting matrices eigenvalue and eigenvector |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文研究了LQ最优调节器的逆问题。在控制变量加权矩阵R给定的条件下,通过引入一组自由变量,给出了满足闭环系统特征值要求的状态加权矩阵Q的一种参数化表示结果。基于这一结果,文中研究了一类系统的LQ最优调节器之逆问题的解析解法。通过所求得的自由变量解,就可以直接确定系统的最优状态反馈控制器。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper is a study on the inverse problem of LQ optimal regulators. With the control weight given,the state weighting matrix satisfying the closed-loop eigenvalue requirements is parametrized in terms of a set of free variables. Based on the parametrization, an analytic procedure is proposed to determine the state weighting matrix. As well as the free variables, for a class of systems. Meanwhile, by using the solved free variables, the optimal controller gain matrix can be determined without solving the algebraic Riccati equation. |