引用本文: | 崔平远,吴瑶华,黄文虎.基于正交计算灵敏度的极大似然估计算法*[J].控制理论与应用,1992,9(1):63~67.[点击复制] |
CUI Pingyuan WU Yaohua and HUANG Wenhu.Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithm and Its Application to Aerodynamic Parameter Identification For Elastic Aircraft[J].Control Theory and Technology,1992,9(1):63~67.[点击复制] |
基于正交计算灵敏度的极大似然估计算法* |
Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithm and Its Application to Aerodynamic Parameter Identification For Elastic Aircraft |
摘要点击 1408 全文点击 524 投稿时间:1990-04-04 |
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DOI编号 |
1992,9(1):63-67 |
中文关键词 弹性飞行器 极大似然估计 指示函数 正交实验 |
英文关键词 elastic aircraft maximum likelihood estimation indicial function orthogonal test |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文基于正交计算灵敏度的极大似然估计算法研究了弹性飞行器的气动参数辨识问题。文中利用指示函数(indicial function)的概念和Duhamel积分描述任意的非定常气动力过程。借助于正交实验的正交表解决了递推计算灵敏度的数值计算问题。最后给出了弹性飞行器气功参数估计的一个仿真算例。 |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, the aerodynamic parameter identification of elastic aircraft is studied by maximum likelihood estimation algorithm using orthogonal test table for computing sensitivities. In the paper, the Duhamel`s integral of aerodynamic indicial function is used to describe unsteady aerodynamic force, the difficulty of numerical calculation in the recursive computing sensitivities method is solved by the orthogonal table of orthogonal test. Finally, a simulation example of aerodynamic parameter estimation for elastic aircraft is given. |