引用本文: | 葛建华,孙优贤.最优鲁棒容错控制器的设计[J].控制理论与应用,1994,11(5):630~633.[点击复制] |
GE Jianhua and SUN Youxian.Design of Optimal Robust Fault-Tolerant Controller[J].Control Theory and Technology,1994,11(5):630~633.[点击复制] |
最优鲁棒容错控制器的设计 |
Design of Optimal Robust Fault-Tolerant Controller |
摘要点击 1077 全文点击 552 投稿时间:1992-09-09 修订日期:1994-05-30 |
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DOI编号 |
1994,11(5):630-633 |
中文关键词 不确定性 执行器失效 完整性 鲁棒控制 最优性 |
英文关键词 uncertainty actuator failures integrity robust control optimality |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文针对同时含未建模不确定性和执行器失效的系统,利用Riccati方程和Lyapunov稳定性定理给出了鲁棒控制器设计方法。通过在每个控制回路中嵌入增益,结合Riccati方程中加权矩阵Q和R的适当选取,本文所给出的控制器在正常和某些冗余执行器失效情况下,皆对系统中普遍存在的不确定具有鲁棒稳定性。 |
英文摘要 |
A design method of robust controller of multivariable system with uncertainty and actuator failures is presented by using Riccati equation and Lyapunov stability principle. It is proved that the robust closed-loop stability can be maintained by inserting appropriate constant gains in the control loops and by properly selecting weighting matrix Q and R of Riccati equation. |