引用本文: | 赵正义 宋文忠.基于结构无竞争Petri网的DEDS的状态可达性可控性及其控制[J].控制理论与应用,1995,12(6):747~751.[点击复制] |
ZHAO Zhengyi and SONG Wenzhong.State Reachability, Controllability and the Control of DEDS Represented by No-Competing Petri Nets[J].Control Theory and Technology,1995,12(6):747~751.[点击复制] |
基于结构无竞争Petri网的DEDS的状态可达性可控性及其控制 |
State Reachability, Controllability and the Control of DEDS Represented by No-Competing Petri Nets |
摘要点击 1173 全文点击 494 投稿时间:1993-09-28 修订日期:1995-01-25 |
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DOI编号 |
1995,12(6):747-751 |
中文关键词 DEDS Petri网 状态可达性 状态可控性 |
英文关键词 DEDS Petri net state reachability state controllability |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文给出了依靠代数递推计算判断结构无竞争Petri网的状态可达性的一种方法;提出了动态子网的概念,提高了判断速度;研究了结构无竞争Petri网的可达状态控制问题,给出了控制序列的设计方法 |
英文摘要 |
A deterministic way which depends on algebraic recursive computations is developed to judge the state reachability for no-competing Petri Nets. The idea of dynamic subnets is proposed to make the judgement faster. The problem of state control is studied and a program to design the control is given. |