引用本文: | 邹云,杨成梧,翟长连.线性定常系统的δ-算子描述──能控性与能稳性*[J].控制理论与应用,1996,13(4):527~531.[点击复制] |
ZOU Yun,YANG Chengwu and ZHAI Changlian.Controllability and Stabilizability of Linear Time-Invariant Systems in the Delta Operator Descriptions[J].Control Theory and Technology,1996,13(4):527~531.[点击复制] |
线性定常系统的δ-算子描述──能控性与能稳性* |
Controllability and Stabilizability of Linear Time-Invariant Systems in the Delta Operator Descriptions |
摘要点击 1212 全文点击 535 投稿时间:1994-12-19 修订日期:1995-09-11 |
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DOI编号 |
1996,13(4):527-531 |
中文关键词 δ-算子 能控性 能稳性 能控度 能稳度 线性系统 |
英文关键词 delta-operator description controllability stabilizability margins of controllability and stabilizablity linear systems |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文讨论了δ-算子描述下的线性定常系统的能控性与能稳性问题.研究结果表明:虽然两种描述(即传统的q-算子描述和本文讨论的δ-算子描述)方法下的能控性定义及判据形式上并无二致,然而在高速采样的条件下,两种描述方法下的系统的能控度与能稳度呈现出完全相反的特性,一般而言,δ-算子描述方法更加适合高速采样情形. |
英文摘要 |
In this paper,the problems of controllability and stabilizability for the linear time-invariant systems based on delta operator model are discussed. It is shown that the controllability and stabilizability margins of this new model,at least in the case of high-speed sampling rate,is much more closed up to its continuous counterparts than that of the traditional models based on shift operators is,while the latter equal (τ),where ? represents the sampling step. However,the corresponding criteria for the controllability and stability of the models are all the same as those traditional results in form. |