ZHANG Xingchang.a neural network model with dynamic compensation and its applications in dynamic in dynamic system modelling[J].Control Theory and Technology,1996,13(6):823~826.[点击复制]
a neural network model with dynamic compensation and its applications in dynamic in dynamic system modelling
摘要点击 1171  全文点击 518  投稿时间:1995-05-05  修订日期:1995-12-29
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中文关键词  多层前馈网络  系统建模  网络训练  动态补偿
英文关键词  multi- layer feedforward networks  system modelling  training of networks  dynamically compensating
张星昌 中国科学院自动化研究所 
      By introducing a dynamic error feedback link in a multi- layer feedforward neural network,this paper proposes a new neural network model which has the dynamically compensation capability。During both training and working of this new network model,we apply the principle of dynamic error back propagation to make the feedback compensation.Using this model in nonlinear dynamic system modelling,the dynamic error can be effectively reduced and the modelling accuracy can be significantly raised.The structure and learning algorithm of this new neural network model are given.The application to real data modelling is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new model.