引用本文: | 尚修刚, 蒋慰孙.模糊特征选择新算法:Ⅱ*[J].控制理论与应用,1998,15(4):646~648.[点击复制] |
SHANG Xiugang and JIANG Weisun.New Fuzzy Feature Selection Algorithm: H[J].Control Theory and Technology,1998,15(4):646~648.[点击复制] |
模糊特征选择新算法:Ⅱ* |
New Fuzzy Feature Selection Algorithm: H |
摘要点击 1244 全文点击 518 投稿时间:1996-12-09 修订日期:1997-07-07 |
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DOI编号 |
1998,15(4):646-648 |
中文关键词 模糊特征选择 模糊似然函数 特征选择系数 |
英文关键词 fuzzy feature selection fuzzy likelihood function feature selection index |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
用模糊似然函数计算类内及类间距离,得到任意特征子集的模糊特征选择系数,用于特征子集的选择,从而得出最能区分和表征模式类的特征子集. 举例说明了该方法的具体用法,表明具有好的实用性. |
英文摘要 |
The fuzzy feature selection index are defined using the distances of intraset and interset of pat-tern classes, which are calculated by fuzzy likelihood function. The algorithm can be used to compare the im-portance of any subset of features, so that the most important feature subset can be gotten. An example indi-cates how to use them in concrete situations, which shows that these methods are applicable. |