引用本文:邓自立 许燕.广义系统Wiener 滤波和Kalman 滤波新方法*[J].控制理论与应用,1999,16(5):634~638.[点击复制]
Deng Zili and Xu Yan.New Approaches to Wiener Filtering and Kalman Filtering For Descriptor Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,1999,16(5):634~638.[点击复制]
广义系统Wiener 滤波和Kalman 滤波新方法*
New Approaches to Wiener Filtering and Kalman Filtering For Descriptor Systems
摘要点击 1186  全文点击 529  投稿时间:1997-12-02  修订日期:1998-08-26
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中文关键词  广义系统  广义Wiener状态滤波器  广义Kalman滤波器  现代时间序列分析方法
英文关键词  desriptor systems  descriptor Wiener state estimators  descriptor Kalman filter  modem tine series analysis method
邓自立 许燕  
      Using the modem time series analysis method in the time domain, based on the autoegressive moving averge (ARMR)innovation model and whire noise estimaton theory, Wiener state estimators and steady-state Kalman estimators are presented for descriptor systems. They can handle the optimal filtering, smoothing and prediction problems in unified frame-works. They avoid the solution of the Diophantine equations and Riccati equations,and constitute new approaches to Wiener fil-tering and Kalman filtering. Two simulation examples show the usefulness of the new approaches.