引用本文: | 邱焕耀,毛宗源.变结构模糊神经网络在交流解耦变结构系统中的应用*[J].控制理论与应用,1999,16(5):673~676.[点击复制] |
Qiu Huanyao and Mao Zhongyuan.The Application of Variable Structure Fuzzy Neural NetworkIn AC Decoupling Variable Systen[J].Control Theory and Technology,1999,16(5):673~676.[点击复制] |
变结构模糊神经网络在交流解耦变结构系统中的应用* |
The Application of Variable Structure Fuzzy Neural NetworkIn AC Decoupling Variable Systen |
摘要点击 1248 全文点击 436 投稿时间:1998-04-10 修订日期:1999-01-25 |
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DOI编号 |
1999,16(5):673-676 |
中文关键词 变结构模糊神经网络 交流解耦变结构 抖振 学习算法 |
英文关键词 variable stucture fuzzy neural network AC decoupling variable structure quiver learing algorithm |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
在感应电动机的控制中采用解耦变结构控制,有效地简化了控制器的设计,并提高了控制器的抗干扰性和鲁棒性,交流解耦变结构系统中应用变结构模糊神经网络,一方面使系统原来存在的抖振得以抑制,另一方面又使系统具有自学习和自调整模糊规则的能力,提高了控制系统的智能,改善了控制系统的性能. |
英文摘要 |
The application of decoupling variable structure control in induction motor simplifies the design of controller ef-fectively and enhances the robustness of the controller. The application of variable structre fuzzy neural network in AC decou-pling vaniable system restrains the system quiver as well as enhances the system ability of self-leaming and self-adjusting fuzzy rules. It males the control system intelligent and enhances its perfomances. |