引用本文:吴 悦,汪定伟.交货期窗口下带有附加惩罚的单机提前/拖期调度问题[J].控制理论与应用,2000,17(1):9~13.[点击复制]
WU Yue,WANG Ding-wei.Single Machine Earliness/Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Additional Penalties about Due Window[J].Control Theory and Technology,2000,17(1):9~13.[点击复制]
Single Machine Earliness/Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Additional Penalties about Due Window
摘要点击 1300  全文点击 709  投稿时间:1998-06-24  修订日期:1999-04-13
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中文关键词  提前/拖期  准时化  交货期确定  附加惩罚
英文关键词  earliness/tardiness  just in time  due date assignment  additional penalty
吴 悦 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院系统工程系, 沈阳 110006 
汪定伟 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院系统工程系, 沈阳 110006 
      交货期窗口下的交货期确定和排序问题是调度领域研究的一个方面. 本文对交货期窗口下的单机作业问题进行了研究, 目标函数不仅考虑提前/拖期惩罚, 还考虑附加惩罚. 假设如果任务在交货期窗口内完工, 则不受提前/拖期惩罚; 如果在交货期窗口外完工, 将导致提前/拖期惩罚. 本文确定了最优公共交货期, 给出了相应的最优排序, 并提出了一个多项式时间算法确定了使目标函数为最小的最优调度, 最后的数值例子说明了算法的有效性.
      Due date assignment and sequencing problem is one of the scheduling fields about due window. This paper is concerned with single machine problem about due window, the objective function concludes earliness/tardiness penalties and additional penalties. It is assumed that earliness/tardiness penalties will not occur if a job is completed within the due window; Otherwise, earliness/tardiness penalties will occur if a job is completed outside the due window. The optimal common due date is assigned, and the optimal sequencing are also given. A polynomial time algorithm is presented for determining the optimal scheduling. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.