LU Guo-ping,ZHENG Yu-fan,L. F. Yeung.Strong Robust H-Control for Linear Systems with Time Delay and Uncertainties: LMI Approach[J].Control Theory and Technology,2000,17(1):45~49.[点击复制]
Strong Robust H-Control for Linear Systems with Time Delay and Uncertainties: LMI Approach
摘要点击 1335  全文点击 954  投稿时间:1997-10-03  修订日期:1999-03-23
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中文关键词  线性时滞系统  线性矩阵不等式  不确定参数  强鲁棒控制  H-控制
英文关键词  linear time delay system  uncertainty  linear matrix inequality  strong robust control  H-control
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(69674007); 江苏省教委高校科研基金(99KJB510001)资助项目.
陆国平 南通工学院自动化系, 江苏 南通 226007 
郑毓蕃 华东师范大学 系统科学研究所, 上海 200062 
杨林发 香港城市大学 电子工程系, 香港 
      利用线性矩阵不等式 (LMI)方法讨论了带有不确定参数, 而且被调输出含时滞状态和干扰输入的线性时滞系统的强鲁棒H控制问题, 得到了这类系统强鲁棒H控制问题有解的充分必要条件, 并且相应给出所有可参数化无记忆强鲁棒H控制器的设计.
      This paper focuses on the problem of strong robust H control design for linear systems with time delay and uncertainties. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the state feedback robust H controllers such that the closed loop systems have strong H performance are obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The results can be regarded as extensions of existing results on (or robust) H control of linear (or time delay) systems.