引用本文:谢 力,薛定宇.伺服问题的二自由度镇定控制器参数化[J].控制理论与应用,2000,17(1):50~54.[点击复制]
XIE Li,XUE Ding-yü.The Parametrization of Two-Degree of Freedom Stabilizing Controllers for the Servomechanism Problem[J].Control Theory and Technology,2000,17(1):50~54.[点击复制]
The Parametrization of Two-Degree of Freedom Stabilizing Controllers for the Servomechanism Problem
摘要点击 1267  全文点击 1227  投稿时间:1996-11-29  修订日期:1999-04-26
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2000.1.012
中文关键词  伺服问题  二自由度镇定控制器参数化  Diophantine方程
英文关键词  servomechanism problem  two-degree of freedom stabilizing controller parametrization  Diophantine equations
谢 力 北京邮电大学 机电系, 北京 100876 
薛定宇 东北大学 控制仿真研究中心, 沈阳 110006 
      对于多输入多输出四块线性系统, 本文研究了存在跟踪和干扰抑制约束的二自由度镇定控制器参数化问题, 给出了一般条件下的伺服问题二自由度镇定控制器参数化表示.
      For the MIMO and four block linear systems, this paper considers the parametrization of two degree of freedom stabilizing controllers with tracking and disturbance rejection constraints. The solutions of the servomechanism problem are parametrized by free, sable, rational and proper matrices under the general case.