引用本文:孙兆伟,杨 旭,杨 涤.小卫星磁力矩器与反作用飞轮联合控制算法研究[J].控制理论与应用,2002,19(2):173~177.[点击复制]
SUN Zhaowei,YANG Xu,YANG Di.The Combined Control Algorithm for Magnetorquer and Reaction Wheel of Small Satellite[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(2):173~177.[点击复制]
The Combined Control Algorithm for Magnetorquer and Reaction Wheel of Small Satellite
摘要点击 1871  全文点击 2621  投稿时间:1999-10-12  修订日期:2001-07-02
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中文关键词  小卫星  主动磁控  变结构控制  联合控制
英文关键词  small satellite  active magnetic control  variable structure control  combined control
基金项目  863-2基金(863-2-5-1-8)资助项目.
孙兆伟 哈尔滨工业大学 卫星工程技术研究所哈尔滨 150001 xbcao@hope.hit.edu.cn 
杨 旭 哈尔滨工业大学 卫星工程技术研究所哈尔滨 150002  
杨 涤 哈尔滨工业大学 卫星工程技术研究所哈尔滨 150003  
      磁力矩器和反作用飞轮是现代小卫星姿态控制的主要执行机构. 对于具有主动磁控能力的小卫星, 由于动力学与控制的耦合, 其动力学系统是一个有约束的非线性系统. 针对小卫星入轨阶段的姿态捕获控制, 提出了一种使用磁力矩器和反作用飞轮进行联合控制的算法. 仿真表明, 该算法鲁棒性好, 设计简单且易于在轨实时计算, 减少了反作用飞轮的饱和机会, 与单独使用磁力矩器控制相比, 缩短了姿态捕获时间.
      Magnetorquers and reaction wheels are the important control actuators of the modern small satellite. Because it uses the magnetorquer as the actuator, the dynamic system of the small satellite is a nonlinear system with the restrictive conditions. Aimed at the initial attitude capture, a combined control algorithm for the magnetorquer and reaction wheel has been adopted. The simulation results indicated that the algorithm has excellent robustness and can be designed and realized easily. The algorithm has reduced the saturation opportunity more obviously than using the reaction wheel only, and increased the attitude convergence speed more greatly than using the magnetorquer only