引用本文: | 樊友平,黄席樾,余吟山.基于智能的大功率准分子激光器配气与能量的调控[J].控制理论与应用,2002,19(4):561~566.[点击复制] |
FAN You-ping,HUANG Xi-yue,YU Yin-shan.Adjusting-controlling on gassing and energy for high power excimer laser based on intelligence[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(4):561~566.[点击复制] |
基于智能的大功率准分子激光器配气与能量的调控 |
Adjusting-controlling on gassing and energy for high power excimer laser based on intelligence |
摘要点击 1359 全文点击 1224 投稿时间:2000-11-21 修订日期:2001-05-14 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.4.015 |
2002,19(4):561-566 |
中文关键词 准分子激光器 智能控制 变控制量论域 非线性 |
英文关键词 excimer laser intelligent control variable control universe non-linear |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
激光器配气和能量调控系统为滞后时间变化的非线性系统, 很难建立准确的数学模型和确定最优解. 根据操作人员对激光器的实际手动控制数据, 提出了辨识模糊控制规则, 给出了基于知识 /推理规则的智能控制方案, 即在获取的知识库引导下, 实现快速响应和较高的控制精度. 该装置具有使用方便, 控制灵活, 误差小等特点, 经过实际使用验证, 工作稳定可靠, 具有较好的实用价值. |
英文摘要 |
The system, which adopts gas and energy as controlling measure, is a nonlinear and variable delay time system. To confirm such a system's accurate mathematical model and optimum answer is very difficult. A new method is presented to form a set of fuzzy control rules by means of human operator's control actions and proposes an intelligence control method based on the knowledge/reasoning regulation. It is guided with the knowledge base ,to realize fast reaction and high precision. This device has the features of easy to operate, flexible control and small error. Measurements show that the device is stable and practicable. |