引用本文:钱龙军,佘 炎,郭 治.跟踪系统的满意控制研究[J].控制理论与应用,2002,19(4):591~594.[点击复制]
QIAN Long-jun,SHE Yan,GUO Zhi.On satisfactory control for tracking systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(4):591~594.[点击复制]
On satisfactory control for tracking systems
摘要点击 1742  全文点击 1348  投稿时间:2000-03-23  修订日期:2001-02-09
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.4.022
中文关键词  稳态误差系数  LMI方法  满意控制
英文关键词  dynamic error coefficient  LMI method  satisfactory control
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(60174028)资助项目.
钱龙军 南京理工大学 自动化系, 南京 210094 
佘 炎 上海交通大学 信息与控制系, 上海 200030 
郭 治 南京理工大学 自动化系, 南京 210094 
      动态误差系数是工程技术人员所熟悉的概念, 它是描述输出对输入信号跟踪精度的重要指标. 本文首次把该指标约束融入含有跟踪误差稳态协方差和稳定裕度约束的满意控制中来.
      Dynamic error coefficient is a well known concept for technicians, which is the important perfermance specification measuring the precision for the system output to track input signal. For the first time, this perfermance spcecification is adopted as a constraint for satisfactory tracking control, together with constraints on covariance of tracking error and stability margin.