SUN Qing-lin,CHEN Zeng-qiang,YUAN Zhu-zhi,LIU Zhong-xin,YANG Xiao-jun.β-GPC control system of heat treatment for welded drill pipe[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(6):957~959.[点击复制]
β-GPC control system of heat treatment for welded drill pipe
摘要点击 2420  全文点击 1707  投稿时间:2000-12-28  修订日期:2001-12-17
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.6.030
中文关键词  预测控制  计算机控制  对焊钻杆热处理  温度补偿
英文关键词  predictive control  computer control  heat treatment for welded drill pipe  temperature compensate
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(60174021); 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(010115); 国家科技攻关计划(2001BA2004B01-02)资助项目.
孙青林 南开大学 自动化系, 天津 300071 sunql@eyou.com  
陈增强 南开大学 自动化系, 天津 300071  
袁著祉 南开大学 自动化系, 天津 300071  
刘忠信 南开大学 自动化系, 天津 300071  
杨小军 南开大学 自动化系, 天津 300071  
      介绍了对焊钻杆热处理预测控制系统. 系统对升温保温全过程实现闭环控制. 温度检测采用红外测温仪, 针对热处理过程不同阶段钻杆的辐射系数不同, 采用自动补偿的方法, 使红外测温仪能准确检测不同辐射系数的钻杆温度. 控制算法采用 β_GPC, 实际运行表明该方法的有效性.
      A predictive control system of heat treatment for welded drill pipe is presented. The whole process of heat treatment has been achieved by closed loop control. On-line infrared thermoscope is adopted to measure the temperature. To solve this problem that there are different radiation factor at different stage of heat treatment, we introduced the method of software compensate, and therefore the infrared thermoscope can measure drill pipe at different stage accurately. β-GPC, as a control arithmetic, is adopted. The running results show that the arithmetic is better.