引用本文: | 张 敏,罗 安,周少武,刘京湘.静止同步补偿器对电力系统稳定性的影响(英文)[J].控制理论与应用,2003,20(5):765~769.[点击复制] |
ZHANG Min,LUO An,ZHOU Shao-wu,LIU Jing-xiang.Effect of static synchronous compensator on stability of electric power systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2003,20(5):765~769.[点击复制] |
静止同步补偿器对电力系统稳定性的影响(英文) |
Effect of static synchronous compensator on stability of electric power systems |
摘要点击 1697 全文点击 1289 投稿时间:2002-07-03 修订日期:2003-03-05 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2003.5.023 |
2003,20(5):765-769 |
中文关键词 静止无功发生器 单机-无穷大系统 吸引域 李雅普诺夫函数 |
英文关键词 STATCOM one-machine infinite-bus power system region of attraction Lyapunov function |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
研究了包含静止无功发生器 (STATCOM)的单机 -无穷大电力系统的吸引域. 首先给出了系统数学模型, 用首次积分法导出系统能量函数. 讨论了用此方法所得能量函数在系统稳定域估计中不能反映阻尼效应的局限性. 为克服由此造成的在系统稳定域估计中的保守性. 导出了一种能反映系统阻尼效应的能量函数. 此种能量函数可作为估计系统稳定域的李雅普诺夫函数. 利用这一函数对系统稳定域进行了估计, 并给出了仿真结果. |
英文摘要 |
The region of attraction of one-machine infinite-bus power system with static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) was estimated. The mathematical model of the system was given and the energy function was derived with first integral based on the model. The conservation of the model to reflect damping effect was discussed. To tide over the conservation, a damping-reflected energy function was derived. Based on the energy function, the region of attraction of the system was studied and a simulation example was given. |