引用本文: | 季海波,奚宏生,陈志福,王 俊.具有不确定噪声的随机非线性系统的鲁棒自适应跟踪[J].控制理论与应用,2003,20(6):843~848.[点击复制] |
JI Hai-bo,XI Hong-sheng,CHEN Zhi-fu,WANG Jun.Robust adaptive tracking of stochastic nonlinear systems with uncertain noises[J].Control Theory and Technology,2003,20(6):843~848.[点击复制] |
具有不确定噪声的随机非线性系统的鲁棒自适应跟踪 |
Robust adaptive tracking of stochastic nonlinear systems with uncertain noises |
摘要点击 2082 全文点击 1594 投稿时间:2002-04-30 修订日期:2003-04-29 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2003.6.006 |
2003,20(6):843-848 |
中文关键词 随机稳定性 扰动抑制 自适应跟踪 |
英文关键词 stochastic stability disturbance attenuation adaptive tracking |
基金项目 安徽省自然科学基金项目(03042302). |
中文摘要 |
研究了一类随机非线性系统的鲁棒自适应跟踪问题.文中利用随机控制Lyapunov设计方法,对于受方差不确定Wiener噪声干扰的参数严格反馈形式的系统,给出了参数自适应律和控制律,使得跟踪误差在4次均方意义下收敛到一个小范围内. |
英文摘要 |
Robust adaptive tracking problems for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems were investigated. A stochastic Lyapunov design method was applied for systems in the form of parametric-strict-feedback driven by Wiener noises of unknown covariance. A parameter adaptive law and a control law were obtained to ensure that the tracking error could converge to a small residual set around the origin in the sense of mean quartic value. |