引用本文:常 江,KwangY.LEE,Raul GARDUNO-RAMIREZ.火电厂多代理控制系统(英文)[J].控制理论与应用,2004,21(3):405~410.[点击复制]
CHANG Jiang, Kwang Y. LEE, Raul GARDUNO-RAMIREZ.Power plant multiagent control system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,21(3):405~410.[点击复制]
Power plant multiagent control system
摘要点击 1968  全文点击 994  投稿时间:2003-05-19  修订日期:2003-12-16
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中文关键词  决策  反馈控制  前馈控制  模糊逻辑  遗传算法  多代理控制系统  神经网络
英文关键词  decision-making  feedback control  feedforward control  fuzzy logic  genetic algorithms  multiagent control system  neural networks
常 江,KwangY.LEE,Raul GARDUNO-RAMIREZ 深圳职业技术学院 机械电气工程系广东深圳 518055美国宾西法尼亚州州立大学 电气工程系大学园,PA16802,美国
电气研究所 仪器控制组(IIE),莫雷洛斯,库埃纳瓦卡,62490,墨西哥
      针对火电厂非线性、多变量和多控制目标的特点,设计了一个火电厂多代理控制系统(PPMACS).在PP MACS中,前馈控制代理(FFCAs)采用神经模糊系统进行决策,反馈控制代理(FBCAs)采用基于遗传算法的模糊系统进行决策.优化任务分解代理(OTDAs)通过一个优化代理和一个分解代理来进行多目标优化分解PPMACS的任务.协调代理根据运行条件协调PPMACS的各个代理.仿真结果显示了火电厂多代理控制系统能够实现火电单元机组的多目标运行和大范围负荷跟踪.神经网络、模糊逻辑和遗传算法是PPMACS中的智能代理进行决策的有效工具.
      To deal with the nonlinear multi-variable and multiple control objective characteristic of power plant, the power plant multiagent control system (PPMACS) is designed. In the PPMACS, the feedforward control agents (FFCAs) make decisions using the neuro-fuzzy systems and the feedback control agents (FBCAs) make decisions using the genetic algorithm-based fuzzy \{systems\}. The optimal task decomposition agents (OTDAs) optimally decompose the task of the PPMACS through an optimization agent and a decomposition agent. The coordinator agent (COA) coordinates the agents in the PPMACS according to different \{operating\} conditions. Simulation results demonstrate that the PPMACS implement the multiobjective operation and wide range load tracking.Neural netwroks,fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm are effective tools for the agents of the PPMACS in making decisions.