引用本文: | 袁德成,于海斌.活性污泥脱氮过程的建模与控制[J].控制理论与应用,2004,21(3):483~488.[点击复制] |
YUAN De-cheng, YU Hai-bin.Modeling and control of activated sludge nitrogen removal processes[J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,21(3):483~488.[点击复制] |
活性污泥脱氮过程的建模与控制 |
Modeling and control of activated sludge nitrogen removal processes |
摘要点击 1916 全文点击 2733 投稿时间:2002-07-08 修订日期:2003-08-13 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2004.3.032 |
2004,21(3):483-488 |
中文关键词 污水处理过程 活性污泥 控制 模型 脱氮 |
英文关键词 wastewater treatment processes activated sludge control modeling nitrogen removal |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
有效处理废水的各种方法包括过程的最佳设计、安装更多的仪表和自动控制系统等日益受到关注.综述了污水生化处理过程,主要是脱氮工艺的建模与控制方面的最新研究成果.讨论了活性污泥、生物膜和厌氧消化过程的模型化以及最新的Benchmark仿真问题.在控制策略方面,强调了曝气、污泥停留时间和外碳源补加等有效的控制手段.最后指出了一些值得关注的研究问题:过程与控制并行设计、集成化的城市污水处理系统以及现代微生物分析方法的利用. |
英文摘要 |
To clean wastewater,many methods including systematic process development and implementation of more instruments,automatic control systems have been addressed.This work reviews the new developments in the field of modeling and control of biological wastewater treatment plants for nitrogen removal.Modeling for activated sludge reactors,biofilms and the anaerobic digestion and some recent achievements of Benchmark based simulations are discussed.It is emphasized that aeration,sludge retention time and external carbon addition have been identified as effective control methods.Some research challenges such as integration of process design and control,the integrated urban wastewater system and application of novel analytical and investigative methods are presented. |