ZHU Fang-lai.Design of reduced-order observers fornonlinear systems via Lyapunov-like method[J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,21(4):607~610.[点击复制]
Design of reduced-order observers fornonlinear systems via Lyapunov-like method
摘要点击 1545  全文点击 1368  投稿时间:2002-08-19  修订日期:2003-10-20
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2004.4.025
中文关键词  非线性系统  降维观测器  全维观测器  Lyapunov函数
英文关键词  nonlinear systems  reduced-order observer  full-order observer  Lyapunov function
基金项目  广西区自然科学基金项目(0310003;0339069); 桂教科研项目([2003]22).
朱芳来 桂林电子工业学院 计算机系,广西桂林 541004 flzhu816@263.net 
      The existence and design methods for reduced_order observers for nonlinear systems are presented. After the concept of the existence of observer under the meaning of Lyapunov stability was introduced, the existence of reduced_order observer was studied based on the introduced concept.The conclusion was reached that if there is a full_order observer under the meaning of Lyapunov stability with respect to the special Lyapunov function, there also exists a reduced_order one with the same assumptions. A reduced_order observer design for Lipschitz nonlinear systems was then developed and the results of the simulation to an actual model showed that the design method has good performances.