引用本文:庞素琳, 黎荣舟, 徐建闽.BP算法在信用风险分析中的应用[J].控制理论与应用,2005,22(1):139~143.[点击复制]
PANG Su-lin, LI Rong-zhou, XU Jian-min.Application of BP algorithm in credit risk analysis[J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,22(1):139~143.[点击复制]
Application of BP algorithm in credit risk analysis
摘要点击 1572  全文点击 2069  投稿时间:2003-05-29  修订日期:2004-04-15
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2005.1.028
中文关键词  BP算法  信用风险评价模型  信用风险分析
英文关键词  BP algorithm  credit risk evaluation model  credit risk analysis
基金项目  广东省自然科学基金资助项目(31906); 广州市科技局科技攻关项目(2004Z3-D0231); 广东省科技厅科技攻关项目(2004B10101033).
庞素琳, 黎荣舟, 徐建闽 暨南大学 数学系,广东 广州 510632
华南理工大学 交通学院,广东 广州 510640
上海浦东发展银行 广州分行,广东 广州 510075 
      A credit-risk evaluation model is established,which is based on back-propagation (BP) algorithm.The model has been applied to evaluate the credits of 80 applicants in a commercial bank of our country in 2001.These data are separated into two groups:a "good credit" group and a "bad credit" group according to their finance,management and previous credit records.As to each applicant,seven financial rates are considered that can reflect its debt paying ability,profitability,quality of management and capital structure. The BP network is trained 100,390 and 800 times respectively.The simulations show that,when the network is trained 800 times,it enters steady state and the performance function reaches optimal value,and the classification accuracy rate is 98.75%.In addition,a learning algorithm and steps of the BP network are presented as well.