引用本文: | 解学军, 刘海宽, 田洁.基于Kp = S1D1U1分解的多变量鲁棒模型参考自适应控制[J].控制理论与应用,2006,23(6):945~948.[点击复制] |
XIE Xue-jun, LIU Hai-kuan, TIAN Jie.Multivariable robust model reference adaptive control based on Kp = S1D1U1 factorization[J].Control Theory and Technology,2006,23(6):945~948.[点击复制] |
基于Kp = S1D1U1分解的多变量鲁棒模型参考自适应控制 |
Multivariable robust model reference adaptive control based on Kp = S1D1U1 factorization |
摘要点击 1660 全文点击 1138 投稿时间:2004-06-14 修订日期:2006-01-27 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2006.6.018 |
2006,23(6):945-948 |
中文关键词 模型参考自适应控制 规范化信号 多变量系统 Kp = S1D1U1分解 |
英文关键词 model reference adaptive control(MRAC) normalizing signal multivariable systems Kp = SiDiUi factorization |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60304003); 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-05-0607). |
中文摘要 |
针对具有噪声的多变量系统, 利用高频增益矩阵Kp = S1D1U1分解, 提出了一种多变量鲁棒直接型模型参考自适应控制. 通过重新证明一些同单变量系统鲁棒自适应控制理论相似的性质, 及重新定义规范化信号, 找出了闭环系统的所有信号与规范化信号之间的关系, 严格地分析了闭环系统的稳定性和鲁棒性. |
英文摘要 |
For multivariable systems with disturbances, by using high frequency gain matrix Kp = S1D1U1factorization, a multivariable robust direct model reference adaptive control is provided in this paper. Firstly, some similar properties to robust adaptive control theory for SISO systems are proved, and the normalizing signal is redefined. The relationship between all the signals in the closed-loop system and the normalizing signal is then established. Finally, the stability and robustness of the closed-loop system are analyzed rigorously. |