引用本文: | 肖小石,毛志忠,袁平.T-S模糊系统的构造及其逼近能力的充分条件[J].控制理论与应用,2009,26(8):903~906.[点击复制] |
Xiao Xiao-shi,MAO Zhizhong,YUAN Ping.Construction of T-S fuzzy system and the sufficient condition of ts approximation ability[J].Control Theory and Technology,2009,26(8):903~906.[点击复制] |
T-S模糊系统的构造及其逼近能力的充分条件 |
Construction of T-S fuzzy system and the sufficient condition of ts approximation ability |
摘要点击 1939 全文点击 1128 投稿时间:2008-06-05 修订日期:2008-11-02 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2009.8.CCTA080575 |
2009,26(8):903-906 |
中文关键词 T-S模糊系统 模糊划分 逼近能力 充分条件 |
英文关键词 T-S fuzzy system fuzzy partition approximation ability sufficient condition |
基金项目 国家高技术研究计划资助项目(2007AA04Z194) |
中文摘要 |
针对任意多变量非线性函数, 至今缺少一种简单有效的构造性方法来建造一个T-S模糊系统对其实现给定精度的模糊逼近. 本文在逼近函数g(X)∈C2及g(X)不∈C2两种情况下给出了一种当模糊集满足均匀性、连续性、正规性条件下T-S模糊系统的构造方法以及该T-S模糊系统逼近能力的充分条件. 该构造性方法简单易行且其逼近能力充分条件的保守性低. 最后通过仿真研究证实了该方法的正确性与有效性. |
英文摘要 |
A constructive method for building the T-S fuzzy system to approximate a given multi-variable nonlinear function is yet to be found. In either case ofg(X)∈C2 or g(X)not∈C2, this paper proposes a convenient method for building a T-S fuzzy system and gives a loose sufficient condition of its approximation ability, when the fuzzy sets are uniformly distributed, continuous and normalized. A simulation example is given to show the correctness and effectiveness of the method. |