引用本文: | 高有涛,陆宇平,徐波.基于估计参数的飞行器编队飞行相对姿态控制[J].控制理论与应用,2010,27(3):283~288.[点击复制] |
GAO You-tao,LU Yu-ping,XU Bo.Parameter-estimation-based control for relative attitude of spacecraft formation flying[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(3):283~288.[点击复制] |
基于估计参数的飞行器编队飞行相对姿态控制 |
Parameter-estimation-based control for relative attitude of spacecraft formation flying |
摘要点击 2451 全文点击 1945 投稿时间:2009-04-24 修订日期:2009-06-21 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2010.3.CCTA090487 |
2010,27(3):283-288 |
中文关键词 相对姿态 神经网络 参数估计 自校正控制器 |
英文关键词 relative attitude neural network parameter estimation self-tuning controller |
基金项目 国家“863”计划资助项目(2008AA12Z301). |
中文摘要 |
本文建立了空间飞行器编队飞行的相对姿态动力学模型, 用姿态四元数表示的动力学模型避免了大角度相对姿态变化时的奇异问题. 利用Lyapunov理论控制方法, 设计了带神经网络参数估计器的自校正控制器, 减轻了编队飞行器的测量和通信负担. 证明了控制器对模型误差具有较好的鲁棒性. 仿真结果验证了参数估计器可以准确的估计未知参数; 基于估计参数的控制器可以实现相对姿态的较精确控制. |
英文摘要 |
A relative attitude model represented by a quaternion is presented for the spacecraft formation flying. This model can avoid singularities. A self-tuning controller with a neural network estimator is proposed to reduce the measuring
equipment and communications between spacecrafts in a formation flying. It is proved that the control system has good robustness to uncertainties of system model. Simulation results illustrate that the estimator can successfully estimate the unknown parameters and the relative attitude can be controlled accurately. |