引用本文: | 郭洪艳,陈虹,丁海涛,胡云峰.基于Uni-Tire轮胎模型的车辆质心侧偏角估计[J].控制理论与应用,2010,27(9):1131~1139.[点击复制] |
GUO Hong-yan,CHEN Hong,DING Hai-tao,HU Yun-feng.Vehicle side-slip angle estimation based on Uni-Tire model[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(9):1131~1139.[点击复制] |
基于Uni-Tire轮胎模型的车辆质心侧偏角估计 |
Vehicle side-slip angle estimation based on Uni-Tire model |
摘要点击 3342 全文点击 1792 投稿时间:2009-07-11 修订日期:2010-01-07 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2010.9.CCTA090910 |
2010,27(9):1131-1139 |
中文关键词 非线性估计方法 质心侧偏角 输入– 状态稳定性 统一指数轮胎模型 |
英文关键词 nonlinear estimation method side-slip angle input-to-state stability Uni-Tire model |
基金项目 国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(60725311); 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目(90820302). |
中文摘要 |
针对车辆质心侧偏角估计的准确性和实时性能问题, 提出了车辆质心侧偏角估计的非线性全维观测器设计方法. 首先基于车辆动力学模型及纵滑– 侧偏联合工况下的Uni-Tire轮胎模型, 利用车载传感器测量车辆状态; 观测器利用这些状态估计出车辆的纵向速度、侧向速度及横摆角速度, 并由此得到车辆的质心侧偏角估计. 其次利用输入–状态稳定(input-to-state stability, ISS)理论对观测器的稳定性进行了分析. 最后采用红旗CA7180A3E型轿车的车辆参数使用车辆仿真软件veDYNA对极限工况下的估计结果进行了离线仿真研究, 并利用xPC-Target仿真环境和dSPACE实时仿真系统搭建仿真平台, 对非线性全维观测器的实时性进行验证. 仿真结果表明, 非线性估计方法估计精度较高, 实时性较好, 可以满足工程应用的要求. |
英文摘要 |
A nonlinear full-order observer is proposed for vehicle side-slip angle estimation to improve the accuracy and the real-time performance of the side-slip angle estimation. The longitudinal velocity, lateral velocity and yaw rate of the vehicle are estimated by the observer using the information of vehicle states which are measured by on-board sensors based on the vehicle dynamic model and Uni-Tire model for longitudinal slip and lateral slip, and then, the estimates of the side-slip angle are determined based on the above results. The stability of the observer is analyzed using the theory of input-to-state stability(ISS). The offline estimation result is validated using the vehicle simulation software veDYNA with the parameters of Hongqi CA7180A3E in critical condition; the real-time performance of the full-order nonlinear observer is tested on the simulation platform using the xPC-Target simulation environment and dSPACE real-time system. The simulation results show that the nonlinear estimation method has high estimation precision, good real-time performance and satisfies the requirements of engineering application. |