引用本文: | 王争,何玉庆,韩建达.多无人直升机的相对动力学建模方法及其编队控制[J].控制理论与应用,2011,28(1):108~112.[点击复制] |
WANG Zheng,HE Yu-qing,HAN Jian-da.Relative dynamic modeling and formation control of multiple unmanned helicopters[J].Control Theory and Technology,2011,28(1):108~112.[点击复制] |
多无人直升机的相对动力学建模方法及其编队控制 |
Relative dynamic modeling and formation control of multiple unmanned helicopters |
摘要点击 2418 全文点击 1728 投稿时间:2009-11-13 修订日期:2010-05-07 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2011.1.CCTA091446 |
2011,28(1):108-112 |
中文关键词 无人直升机 编队控制 相对动力学 |
英文关键词 unmanned helicopter formation control relative dynamics |
基金项目 机器人学国家重点实验室自主课题资助项目(RLZ200806). |
中文摘要 |
本文将多无人直升机编队控制分解为若干对具有主从结构的无人直升机相对状态控制问题, 并提出利用相对动力学建模方法设计编队控制器. 无人直升机相对动力学由6自由度空间刚体相对动力学和单体直升机飞行动力学两部分组成. 基于这种相对动力学模型利用反馈线性化和扩展高增益观测方法设计具有内外环阶梯结构的控制器. 最后, 通过仿真验证了这种方法能够跟踪给定期望值并具有一定扰动抑制能力. |
英文摘要 |
Based on the concept of relative dynamics and leader-follower formation strategy, a new formation control algorithm is developed to partially solve the formation problem. Firstly, the relative dynamics is derived by combining the 6-DOF rigid body relative dynamics with the individual unmanned helicopter dynamics. Secondly, with the cascade control structure which includes inner and outer loops, a tracking controller is designed by using the techniques of approximate feedback linearization and the extended high gain observer. Finally, simulations of the proposed method with two unmanned helicopter systems are conducted to test the desired tracking performance and feasible disturbance rejection.