JIA Li,LI Xun-long.Identification of Hammerstein model: review and prospect[J].Control Theory and Technology,2014,31(1):1~10.[点击复制]
Identification of Hammerstein model: review and prospect
摘要点击 7537  全文点击 5522  投稿时间:2013-05-14  修订日期:2013-09-22
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2014.30478
中文关键词  Hammerstein模型  非线性模型  过程建模  串联环节
英文关键词  Hammerstein model  nonlinear model  process modeling  cascade element
基金项目  国家自然科学基金资助项目(61004019,61374044); 上海市科委国际合作资助项目(125107094000).
贾立* 上海大学 jiali@staff.shu.edu.cn 
李训龙 上海大学  
      Hammerstein模型是一类具有特定结构的典型非线性模型, 由静态非线性环节和动态线性环节串联而成, 能较好地反映过程特征的特点, 可以描述一大类非线性过程. 本文结合Hammerstein模型辨识的基本过程和特点, 从Hammerstein模型中间变量不可测量的角度出发, 首先按静态非线性环节与动态线性环节同步辨识法和分步辨识法综述了Hammerstein模型的相关理论和方法; 然后, 分析了现有的基于Hammerstein模型的控制系统设计方案; 最后对Hammerstein系统未来可能的研究提出若干看法.
      Hammerstein model is a typical nonlinear model consisting of the cascade structure of a static nonlinear element followed by a dynamic linear element. It represents a wide class of nonlinear processes. Considering immeasurable intermediate variables in the Hammerstein model, we survey the relevant theories and the synchronous method as well as the separate step method for identifying the static nonlinear element and the dynamic linear element. Then, we review the existing control system design schemes based on Hammerstein model. Finally, several opinions of the future research are given.