引用本文: | 高志强.自抗扰控制思想探究[J].控制理论与应用,2013,30(12):1498~1510.[点击复制] |
GAO Zhi-qiang.On the foundation of active disturbance rejection control[J].Control Theory and Technology,2013,30(12):1498~1510.[点击复制] |
自抗扰控制思想探究 |
On the foundation of active disturbance rejection control |
摘要点击 7621 全文点击 6249 投稿时间:2013-10-18 修订日期:2013-11-21 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2013.31087 |
2013,30(12):1498-1510 |
中文关键词 控制论 反馈 扰动 抗扰 范式变换 指南车原理 瓦特原理 负反馈原理 自抗扰控制 |
英文关键词 doctrine of control feedback disturbance disturbance rejection paradigm shift south-pointing chariot principle of Watt principle of negative feedback active disturbance rejection control |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
韩京清先生1989年的《控制理论: 模型论还是控制论》一文, 反映了他对控制科学与工程实践的深刻理解和整体把握, 为日后自抗扰控制技术(active disturbance rejection control, ADRC)的创建和发展奠定了基础. 可以说它既是源头活水, 又是深入理解自抗扰控制的必经之路. 本文对控制论的范式、本质问题和基本原理进行了进一步的梳理和反思, 探讨了自抗扰控制思想的内涵和意义, 目的是为自抗扰控制技术和理论的进一步发展做好铺垫. |
英文摘要 |
Prof. Han Jingqing’s milestone paper of 1989: ‘Control theory: the doctrine of model or the doctrine of control’showed his deep understanding and complete grasp of the science and engineering of control and it laid the foundation for active disturbance rejection control (ADRC). It is both the origin and the gateway through which ADRC is to be truly understood. To take his critical reflection further, this paper strives to clarify and reflect on the paradigm and foundation of the ”the doctrine of control”, and to continue to explore the essence and significance of ADRC, for the purpose of facilitating further development of ADRC, in theory and in technology. |