引用本文: | 屠园园,王大轶,李文博.考虑可靠性影响的受限系统可重构性量化评价[J].控制理论与应用,2017,34(7):875~884.[点击复制] |
TU Yuan-yuan,WANG Da-yi,LI Wen-bo.Reconfigurability evaluation for a class of constrained systems in consideration of reliability[J].Control Theory and Technology,2017,34(7):875~884.[点击复制] |
考虑可靠性影响的受限系统可重构性量化评价 |
Reconfigurability evaluation for a class of constrained systems in consideration of reliability |
摘要点击 2815 全文点击 2190 投稿时间:2017-01-04 修订日期:2017-05-05 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2017.70005 |
2017,34(7):875-884 |
中文关键词 可重构性 受限系统 可靠性 坐标同等化 精细积分 构型优化 实时评估 |
英文关键词 reconfigurability constrained systems reliability coordinate equalization precise integration method configuration optimization real-time evaluation |
基金项目 国家杰出青年科学基金,国家自然科学基金 |
中文摘要 |
针对现有可重构性评价方法未充分考虑实际约束、难以反映重构潜力分布的合理性及缺乏可靠性分析等缺陷, 提出一种考虑重构潜力分布与可靠性影响的能量及时间受限系统可重构性评价方法. 首先, 基于能耗最优控制, 确定故障系统的最大可恢复状态域并优化其可靠度;然后, 根据期望重构能力分布, 对状态空间进行坐标同等化, 得到各向等重要度的同等重构空间;其次, 基于该空间的可恢复状态域体积, 设计可重构性评价指标, 并以精细积分法进行求解;再次, 从系统设计和运行监测两阶段出发, 介绍该指标的应用方式;最后, 通过数值仿真, 验证了所提方法的有效性, 仿真结果表明, 可重构性受时空因素的双重影响. |
英文摘要 |
Without considering actual constraints, the rationality of reconfigurability distribution and the influence caused by reliability, the existing reconfigurability evaluation methods for control systems are flawed in many aspects. To overcome these defects, a new reconfigurability evaluation method is proposed here for a kind of energy-and-time-constrained control systems. First of all, the maximal recoverable state domain is determined based on minimum energy control strategy and its reliability is optimized. Next, coordinate of the recoverable state domain is scaled according to the expected reconfiguration capacity in different directions. Then, by calculating the scaled domain’s generalized volume based on precise integration method, the definition of reconfigurability degree is introduced to quantitatively describe the control systems’ reconfiguration capability. What''s more, the application of proposed method is elaborated respectively from system design phase and online monitoring phase. Finally, numerical simulations are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method and the results show that control reconfigurability is influenced by both space and time factors. |