WANG Zhen-hua,SHEN Yi,Guo Sheng-hui.Interval observer design for linear descriptor systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2018,35(7):956~962.[点击复制]
Interval observer design for linear descriptor systems
摘要点击 3654  全文点击 1679  投稿时间:2017-05-16  修订日期:2017-12-01
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2017.70328
中文关键词  广义系统  区间观测器  直接设计法  线性系统
英文关键词  descriptor systems  interval observer  direct design method  linear systems
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61773145, 61703296), 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(HIT.KLOF.2015.076)资助.
王振华 哈尔滨工业大学 z.h.wang@163.com 
沈毅* 哈尔滨工业大学 yishen_hit@126.com 
郭胜辉 苏州科技大学电子与信息工程学院  
      本文研究了连续时间线性广义系统的区间观测器设计问题. 首先根据正系统的稳定性判据提出了一种基于线 性矩阵不等式的广义区间观测器直接设计法, 然后通过引入更多的设计自由度进一步放宽了区间观测器的设计条件, 扩 大了设计方法的适用范围. 所提出的设计方法无需坐标变换, 是一种直接设计方法. 最后, 通过两个仿真算例验证了所 提出方法的有效性.
      This paper studies observer design for continuous-time linear descriptor systems. Based on the stability of positive system, a linear matrix inequality based direct design method of interval observer is proposed for descriptor systems. The proposed method is further improved by introducing more degrees of design freedom to obtain relaxed design conditions and a broader application scope of the interval observer. The proposed method is independent of coordinate transformation and is a direct design approach. Finally, two numerical examples are simulated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.