YUAN Shuai,XING Jing-yi,YAO Xiao,LUAN Fang-jun,ZHAO Sheng-bin.Trajectory planning of nano-manipulation robot based on the probabilistic distribution region[J].Control Theory and Technology,2019,36(1):129~142.[点击复制]
Trajectory planning of nano-manipulation robot based on the probabilistic distribution region
摘要点击 2789  全文点击 1073  投稿时间:2017-09-04  修订日期:2018-03-11
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2018.70624
中文关键词  探针定位  路径规划  邻接矩阵  蚁群算法  路标配置
英文关键词  tip positioning  path planning  adjacency matrix  ant colony optimization  landmark configuration
基金项目  国家自然科学青年基金(61305125), 辽宁省高等学校基本科研项目(LJZ2017020, LJZ2017046), 国家博士后基金项目(2013M530955, 2014T 70265), 沈阳建筑大学学科内容教育工程(XKHY2–66), 学校自然科学基金项目(2014068, 2017028)资助.
袁帅 沈阳建筑大学中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 reidyuan@163.com 
邢景怡* 沈阳建筑大学 392187125@qq.com 
尧晓 沈阳建筑大学  
栾方军 沈阳建筑大学  
赵升彬 沈阳建筑大学  
      在原子力显微镜(atomic force microscopy, AFM)机器人化纳米操作中, 由于探针在任务空间中位置不确定性 随着时间和探针移动的增加而逐渐增大, 使得探针无法精确定位, 导致纳米操作效率低下. 针对此问题, 本文参考宏观 机器人利用路标定位的策略, 提出基于概率分布区间的探针路径规划方法, 在分析路标观测中探针定位精度的基础上, 通过定义概率分布区间规划探针扫描路径以及观测距离, 建立路标邻接矩阵. 然后使用Dijkstra算法和蚁群算法对纳米 操作的探针进行路径规划. 仿真与实验结果验证了该方法的有效性. 最后针对任务空间中缺乏路标的情况, 提出主动配 置路标方法, 进一步有助于推动AFM纳米操作在微纳器件装配中的实际应用.
      In the atom force microscopy (AFM) based robotic nano-manipulation, there is tip position uncertainty in the task space which is increasing with the increase of tip moving and time, which results in low positioning accuracy of the tip and the low efficiency of nano-manipulation. As for this problem, a method of positioning tip based on the probabilistic distribution region is proposed referring to the macro robot using landmarks positioning strategy. On the foundation of analyzing accuracy of positioning the tip during the landmark observation, this paper plans the trajectory of the tip observation, defines the observation distance and establishes a landmark adjacency matrix by defining the probabilistic distribution region. Then the Dijkstra’s algorithm and the ant colony algorithm are used to carry out the path planning of the tip in nano-manipulation. Simulation and experiment illustrate the validity of the proposed method. Aiming at the lack of landmarks in the task space, this paper proposes an active landmark configuration, which promotes AFM nanomanipulation in the practical application of micro-nano device assembly.