MA Ming-yu,DONG Chao-yang,MA Si-qian,WANG Qing.Coordinated control of multiple quadrotors formation on SO(3)[J].Control Theory and Technology,2018,35(9):1229~1238.[点击复制]
Coordinated control of multiple quadrotors formation on SO(3)
摘要点击 4290  全文点击 1532  投稿时间:2017-09-12  修订日期:2018-05-15
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2018.70651
中文关键词  多四旋翼无人机系统  飞行编队  协同控制  SO(3)
英文关键词  multiple quadrotors  flight formation  coordinated control  SO(3)
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61374012)资助.
马鸣宇* 北京航空航天大学 mamingyu186@126.com 
董朝阳 北京航空航天大学  
马思迁 北京航空航天大学  
王青 北京航空航天大学  
      针对多四旋翼无人机系统的编队飞行问题, 提出了基于特殊正交群SO(3)的协同控制设计方法. 在给出编 队空间队形和通信拓扑描述后, 建立了多四旋翼无人机系统SO(3)控制模型. 由于SO(3)与传统俯仰/偏航/滚转三通 道模型具有不同的结构, 文中进一步研究了SO(3)中无人机之间相对误差的表示方法, 设计了适用于多飞行器的 SO(3)控制器实现对编队和姿态的协同控制. 推力控制器用于调节无人机的位置与速度,并在此基础上构造旋转矩 阵形式的姿态协同指令. 文中相应设计了SO(3)姿态控制器用于实现指令跟踪, 最后从理论上对协同稳定性进行了 分析. 提出的控制方法能够使得多四旋翼无人机形成期望的队形, 并且保持姿态一致进行稳定飞行. 仿真结果验证 了本文方法的有效性.
      This paper is concerned with the formation control for multiple quadrotors, and a coordinated control strategy on SO(3) is proposed. Based on the descriptions of flight formation and communication topology, the control model of multiple quadrotors system on SO(3) is first presented. Because of the difference from the conventional model described by pitch/yaw/roll angles, this paper further studies the structure of relative error between quadrotors to formulate the thrust and attitude controllers on SO(3). The thrust controller is designed to coordinate position and velocity, and it is also employed to construct the coordinated attitude commands in the form of rotation matrix. Then, the SO(3) attitude controller is designed for command tracking, and the stability of the closed-loop system is analyzed by Lyapunov theory. It is proved that by applying the proposed control strategy, the multiple quadrotors could achieve the desired formation with stable attitude consensus. Simulation results show the effectiveness of our method