Gui Wei-hua,Yue Wei-chao,Chen Xiao-fang,Xie Yong-fang,Yang Chun-hua.Process industry knowledge automation and its applications in aluminum electrolysis production[J].Control Theory and Technology,2018,35(7):887~889.[点击复制]
Process industry knowledge automation and its applications in aluminum electrolysis production
摘要点击 3443  全文点击 1469  投稿时间:2018-03-23  修订日期:2018-07-07
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2018.80201
中文关键词  流程工业  知识自动化  知识系统  知识模型; 铝电解槽况辨识  溯因分析
英文关键词  Process industry  knowledge automation  knowledge based systems  knowledge model  aluminum reduction cell identification  root cause analysis
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61773405, 61533020, 61751312, 61725306, 61621062), 中南大学师生共创项目(502300093)资助.
桂卫华 中南大学 410006
岳伟超 中南大学 
陈晓方* 中南大学 410006
谢永芳 中南大学 
阳春华 中南大学 
      流程工业中存在大量的知识型工作, 其中包括企业管理、车间调度和设备运行等, 它是需要相关人员对知识的利用和创造才能完成的工作. 流程工业知识自动化通过知识发现技术获得相关的领域知识, 并采用知识推理方法进行自动推理, 从而能够自主决策, 最终实现流程工业的智慧化、绿色化以及高效化生产. 论文综述了国内外有关流程工业在知识发现、自动推理以及自主决策等知识自动化相关的研究现状, 以及基于知识的自动化应用技术以及相关的工业软件, 并对这些方法以及已开发的软件存在的问题进行了分析. 通过铝电解槽况辨识以及异常槽况的溯因分析详细阐述了流程工业知识自动化在铝电解行业开展的研究工作.
      There exist a large amount of knowledge-based work in process industry, including business management, plant scheduling and equipment operation, which need the use of knowledge and creativity to complete the work. The process industry knowledge automation obtains the related domain knowledge through knowledge discovery technology, and automatically deduces the obtained knowledge, so that it can carry out autonomous decision-making and finally realize the wisdom, green and efficient production of process industry. This paper summarizes the domestic and foreign researches about the process industry knowledge automation, including knowledge discovery, automatic reasoning and autonomous decision-making automation, as well as knowledge-based automation application technology and related industrial application softwares, moreover, the problems existing in these methods and the developed software are also analyzed. With the examples of the identification of aluminum electrolysis cell states and the root cause analysis of abnormal condition, a detailed exposition of some researches are carried out in the aluminum electrolysis industry for the process of industrial knowledge automation.