引用本文: | 曾红兵,翟正亮,王炜.基于双边闭环Lyapunov泛函的采样控制系统稳定新判据[J].控制理论与应用,2020,37(5):1153~1158.[点击复制] |
ZENG Hong-bing,ZHAI Zheng-liang,WANG Wei.New stability criteria for sampled-data control systems based on a two-sided looped Lyapunov functional[J].Control Theory and Technology,2020,37(5):1153~1158.[点击复制] |
基于双边闭环Lyapunov泛函的采样控制系统稳定新判据 |
New stability criteria for sampled-data control systems based on a two-sided looped Lyapunov functional |
摘要点击 2162 全文点击 879 投稿时间:2019-05-17 修订日期:2019-09-05 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2019.90365 |
2020,37(5):1153-1158 |
中文关键词 采样系统 稳定性 Lyapunov泛函 自由矩阵积分不等式 |
英文关键词 sampled-data systems stability Lyapunov functional free-matrix-based integral inequality |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(61741308, 61703153, 61672225), 湖南省自然科学基金项目(2018JJ2096)资助. |
中文摘要 |
本文研究采样控制系统的稳定性问题. 通过对采样区间进行分割处理, 然后, 充分利用分割后的状态信息,
构造了新的双边闭环型Lyapunov泛函. 在界定泛函导数的过程中, 通过引入新建立的系统状态方程并应用自由矩
阵积分不等式方法, 获得了改进的采样控制系统稳定判据. 由于这样的处理方式可以捕捉到更多采样控制系统的
状态信息, 因而可以有效地降低稳定性分析的保守性. 最后通过两个经典的数值例子对得到的稳定判据进行验证.
实验结果表明, 相比现有的其他方法, 本文方法所得到的结论具有更小的保守性. |
英文摘要 |
This paper investigates the stability of sampled-data control systems. By dividing the intervals into four parts,
an improved two-sided looped Lyapunov functional is constructed. Then, based on a free-matrix-based integral inequality
approach and introducing two new system state functions, some new stability criteria are derived. As the resulting criteria
capture the characteristics of actual sampled-data model and include more information about the system state, the analyzing
results have less conservativeness. Finally, two benchmark examples are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed
method. It is shown from the simulation that the obtained results are less conservative than others in the existing literature. |