CHEN Shi-ming,WANG Ming-yu.Leader-follower consensus of hybrid multi-agent systems with disturbances[J].Control Theory and Technology,2020,37(7):1583~1588.[点击复制]
Leader-follower consensus of hybrid multi-agent systems with disturbances
摘要点击 2403  全文点击 753  投稿时间:2019-06-13  修订日期:2020-04-21
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2020.90447
中文关键词  混杂多智能体系统  扰动  领导–跟随一致性  等效趋近律
英文关键词  hybrid multi-agent systems  disturbances  leader-follower consensus  equivalent approaching law
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61973118, 11662002), 江西省科技厅项目(20182BCB22009, 20165BCB19011, 20171BAB202029)资助.
陈世明* 华东交通大学 c1977318@hotmail.com 
王明雨 华东交通大学  
      本文研究了带扰动混杂多智能体系统领导–跟随一致性问题. 给出了带扰动且含有非线性项的混杂多智能 体系统模型. 为了解决扰动和非线性项问题对系统带来的影响, 本文基于等效趋近律设计了混杂多智能体系统的 滑模控制协议, 该控制协议包含连续时间智能体与离散时间智能体的运动状态信息. 对混杂多智能体系统设计了 Lyapunov函数, 给出该系统实现领导–跟随一致性的充分条件, 并证明了滑模控制协议下混杂多智能体系统可以实 现领导–跟随一致性. 最后, 通过MATLAB仿真验证了所提方法的有效性.
      In this paper, the problem of leader-follower consensus of hybrid multi-agent system with disturbances is studied. Hybrid multi-agent system model with disturbances and nonlinear term are given in this paper. In order to solve the disturbances and nonlinear term problems on the system, the sliding mode control protocols for the hybrid multi-agent system are designed based on the equivalent approaching law, and the control protocols contain the state information of continuous-time dynamic agent and discrete-time dynamic agent. Lyapunov functions are designed for hybrid multi-agent system, and sufficient conditions for the system to achieve leader-follower consensus are given, and then the leader-follower consensus of the system is proved under the sliding mode control protocols. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is verified by MATLAB simulation.