XIANG Lei-jun,CHEN Hao,NIE Zhuo-yun.Distributed Frequency Control based on Two-dimensional Cloud Model Considering Response for Thermostatically Controlled Loads[J].Control Theory and Technology,2022,39(10):1825~1835.[点击复制]
Distributed Frequency Control based on Two-dimensional Cloud Model Considering Response for Thermostatically Controlled Loads
摘要点击 1459  全文点击 465  投稿时间:2021-10-01  修订日期:2022-04-06
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2022.10938
中文关键词  多区域电力系统  二维云模型  温控负荷  分数阶PID  分布式控制
英文关键词  multi-area power systems  two-dimensional cloud model  thermostatically controlled loads  fractional-order PID  distributed control
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61403149), 福建省泉州市科技计划项目(2018Z009), 福建省教育厅科技项目(JA15029)
项雷军* 华侨大学 ljxiang32@163.com 
陈昊 华侨大学  
聂卓赟 华侨大学  
      In order to improve the frequency stability of power system and fully use of the demand-side controllable load resources, the paper proposes a distributed frequency control method based on two-dimensional cloud model considering the response for thermostatically controlled loads. The load frequency control model of multi-area interconnected power systems is established, and a distributed control strategy of thermostatically controlled loads based on Fokker-Planck equations is designed. Meanwhile, the cloud model algorithm and fractional calculus theory are adopted, a distributed fractional-order PID frequency controller based on two-dimensional cloud model is designed. Finally, through control simulation comparison and analysis, it is demonstrated that the proposed integrated control method has better dynamic and steady-state performance in different operation scenarios. The results show that the control method is feasible and effective.