YAO Qian-qian,QI Guo-yuan.Model compensation optimal control for quadrotor UAV system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2024,41(11):2061~2070.[点击复制]
Model compensation optimal control for quadrotor UAV system
摘要点击 1997  全文点击 98  投稿时间:2022-12-18  修订日期:2024-01-16
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.21088
中文关键词  四旋翼无人机  最优控制系统  补偿函数观测器  高阶微分器  非线性二次调节器  模型补偿二次调节器  扩张状态观测器
英文关键词  quadrotor UAV  optimal control systems  compensation function observer  high order differential  nonlinear quadratic regulator  model compensation quadratic regulator  extended state observer
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61873186)资助.
姚倩倩 天津工业大学 2356708615@qq.com 
齐国元* 天津工业大学 guoyuanqisa@qq.com 
      针对四旋翼无人机系统的时变、模型偏差、受扰等问题, 本文提出了一种抗扰最优控制算法. 首先给出了一种简单的非线性二次调节器(NLQR), 然后引入高精度的补偿函数观测器(CFO), 提出了模型补偿二次调节(MCQR)最优控制算法, 并给出了单个通道闭环系统的稳定性分析. 这是一种不依赖或部分依赖模型的非线性最优控制方法, 将CFO估计值实时反馈到NLQR中, 以补偿非线性模型偏差和扰动. 仿真中, 基于CFO的MCQR算法实现了四旋翼无人机位置姿态下的稳定控制, 在暂态性能、跟踪稳态精度、抗干扰和时变负载能力方面具有突出的优势, 同时, 在基于Pixhawk的四旋翼飞行器控制算法开发平台中实验验证了所提控制算法的优越性和有效性.
      Aiming at the time-varying, model deviation, disturbance and other problems of the quadrotor UAV system, a disturbance rejection optimal control algorithm is proposed. This paper sets forth a simple nonlinear quadratic regulator (NLQR), and then introduces a high-precision compensation function observer (CFO) to propose on optimal control algorithm of model compensation quadratic regulator (MCQR), and gives the stability of single channel closed loop system. This is a model independent or partially dependent nonlinear optimal control method. The estimated value using the CFO is fed back to the nonlinear quadratic regulator in real time to compensate the nonlinear model deviation and disturbance. In the simulation, the MCQR based on CFO realizes the stability control of the quadrotor UAV in position and attitude, and has outstanding advantages in transient performance, tracking steady-state accuracy, anti-interference and time-varying load capacity, at the same time, the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm is also verified in the quadrotor aircraft control algorithm development platform based on Pixhawk.