引用本文: | 任殿波,张京明,崔胜民,张继业.智能交通系统车道保持纵横向耦合控制[J].控制理论与应用,2010,27(12):1661~1668.[点击复制] |
REN Dian-bo,ZHANG Jing-ming,CUI Sheng-min,ZHANG Ji-ye.Coupled longitudinal and lateral control for lane keeping in intelligent transportation systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(12):1661~1668.[点击复制] |
智能交通系统车道保持纵横向耦合控制 |
Coupled longitudinal and lateral control for lane keeping in intelligent transportation systems |
摘要点击 1859 全文点击 1855 投稿时间:2009-11-30 修订日期:2010-09-28 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2010.12.ITCTA091542 |
2010,27(12):1661-1668 |
中文关键词 自动化公路系统 车道保持 车辆跟随 终端滑模 |
英文关键词 automated highway systems lane keeping vehicle following terminal sliding mode |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10772152); 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2010FM008); 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)校科学研究基金资助项目(HIT(WH)XB200903). |
中文摘要 |
考虑车辆纵横向运动之间的相互影响, 采用位置预瞄和固定车辆间距跟随策略, 对基于一列车队的自动化公路系统车道保持纵横向耦合控制进行了研究. 利用车载前后双位置传感器检测车辆位置偏差, 基于车辆纵横向动力学耦合模型, 推导了基于预瞄的车道保持控制系统数学模型; 采用非奇异的终端滑模控制技术, 设计了车道保持纵横向耦合控制规律. 通过构造李雅普诺夫函数, 结合相平面方法, 分析了控制系统的有限时间收敛性. 采用6车辆编队, 通过计算机仿真, 对文中设计的控制规律进行了验证. 仿真结果显示, 车队中每个被控车辆在纵向上跟随期望状态的同时能够实现对期望车道轨迹的理想跟踪, 跟踪误差精度不超过0.05 m. |
英文摘要 |
Considering the coupling effects between the longitudinal vehicle dynamics and the lateral vehicle dynamics, based on the look-ahead scheme and the constant spacing vehicle following policy, we study the problem of integrated longitudinal and lateral control for lane keeping of vehicles platoon in automated highway systems. Assuming that the
lateral displacement offset can be measured with two sensors located at the front bumper and tail bumper, from the coupled longitudinal and lateral dynamic model of vehicle, the look-ahead control system model of vehicles platoon for lane keeping is derived. By applying nonsingular terminal sliding mode technology, the integrated longitudinal and lateral control law for lane keeping is designed. Based on Lyapunov function method, the finite-time convergence property of the system is obtained from the phase-plane analysis. A platoon of six vehicles is used to test the performance of the proposed control law by computer simulation. Simulation results illustrate good track performance for lane keeping and longitudinal following of vehicles in a platoon, and the lateral tracking error is not more than 0.05 m. |