引用本文: | 陈岽,楼旭阳,崔宝同.基于扰动观测器的柔性机械臂鲁棒边界控制[J].控制理论与应用,2024,41(12):2269~2276.[点击复制] |
CHEN Dong,LOU Xu-yang,CUI Bao-tong.Robust boundary control of flexible manipulators based on disturbance observer[J].Control Theory and Technology,2024,41(12):2269~2276.[点击复制] |
基于扰动观测器的柔性机械臂鲁棒边界控制 |
Robust boundary control of flexible manipulators based on disturbance observer |
摘要点击 3184 全文点击 64 投稿时间:2022-10-24 修订日期:2024-08-12 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2023.20927 |
2024,41(12):2269-2276 |
中文关键词 柔性臂 边界控制 振动控制 扰动观测器 无穷维系统 |
英文关键词 flexible manipulator boundary control vibration control disturbance observer infinite dimensional system |
基金项目 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK20201340)资助 |
中文摘要 |
本文研究了具有未知边界扰动和分布扰动的柔性机械臂系统的边界控制. 为了补偿扰动和抑制柔性臂的振动, 针对利用Hamilton原理建立的无穷维偏微分方程模型, 设计了带有扰动观测器的鲁棒边界控制器对柔性臂进行控制. 利用Lyapunov方法对柔性臂系统的稳定性和一致有界性进行了证明. 所提出的控制方法所需测量信息较少, 对未知扰动具有鲁棒性, 并且所提出的边界控制策略能保证对柔性臂的振动抑制, 系统状态最终是外界扰动下指数稳定的. 最后, 通过数值仿真验证了所提出控制器对柔性臂振动抑制的有效性. |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, the boundary control of a flexible manipulator system with unknown boundary disturbances and unknown distributed disturbances is studied. In order to suppress the vibration of the flexible manipulator, a robust boundary controller with a disturbance observer based on the infinite dimensional partial differential equation model by Hamilton principle is designed to control the flexible manipulator. The stability and uniform boundedness of the control system are proven by using the Lyapunov method. The proposed control method requires fewer measured information and possesses robustness to unknown disturbance. Besides, the proposed boundary control strategy can ensure the vibration suppression of the flexible manipulator and the closed-loop system to be uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed controller to suppress the vibration of the flexible arm is verified through numerical simulations |