CHEN Shi-ming,YE Shu-kang,MA Xu-yang,ZOU Yu-bin,LIU Jiang.Event-triggered adaptive consensus control for uncertain multi-agent systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2025,42(1):33~40.[点击复制]
Event-triggered adaptive consensus control for uncertain multi-agent systems
摘要点击 3774  全文点击 72  投稿时间:2023-03-19  修订日期:2024-10-08
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.30143
中文关键词  一般非线性多智能体系统  事件触发控制  模型参考自适应  参数不确定
英文关键词  general nonlinear multi-agent systems  event triggered control  model reference adaptive  uncertainties
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(62263011, 61973118), 江西省重点研发计划重点项目(20212BBE51010)资助.
陈世明* 华东交通大学电气学院 c1977318@hotmail.com 
叶舒康 华东交通大学电气学院  
马旭阳 华东交通大学电气学院  
邹钰彬 华东交通大学电气学院  
刘江 华东交通大学电气学院  
      For the problems of uncertain parameters and limited system communication ability in general nonlinear multi-agent systems under directed graphs, a consensus control protocol combining model reference adaptation and eventtriggered mechanism is proposed. The protocol first designs a reference agent for each uncertain agent, the design of adaptive law ensures the effective estimation of uncertain parameters, then sends the reference agent state to neighbor agents based on an event-triggered mechanism, and finally designs a controller based on the received neighbor reference agent state and its actual state. This protocol adopts the method of designing event trigger strategy based on the reference model of the agent to effectively avoid continuous communication between agents and reduce system communication resources. The matrix theory, algebraic graph theory, and Lyapunov stability theory are used to prove the control strategy. General nonlinear uncertain multi-agent systems can achieve consensus without Zeno behavior. Simulation examples further verify the validity of the theoretical results.