引用本文: | 张钟俊, 钱振英.离散时滞大系统的无条件稳定性[J].控制理论与应用,1985,2(2):92~100.[点击复制] |
Zhang Zhongjun Qian Zhenying.On Unconditional Stability Of Large-Scale Discrete Systems With Delays[J].Control Theory and Technology,1985,2(2):92~100.[点击复制] |
离散时滞大系统的无条件稳定性 |
On Unconditional Stability Of Large-Scale Discrete Systems With Delays |
摘要点击 960 全文点击 552 投稿时间:1984-05-02 修订日期:1984-08-21 |
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DOI编号 |
1985,2(2):92-100 |
中文关键词 |
英文关键词 |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文研究一类线性定常离散时滞大系统的无条件稳定性问题。首先利用m阵的性质,给出了一般离散时滞系统无条件渐近稳定的充分条件;接着建立了适应于离散时滞系统的比较原理;最后用向量李雅普诺夫函数法和集结(aggregatioa)方法,推得了线性定常离散时滞大系统无条件稳定的充分条件。这一条件归结为判定一个阶数等于子系统个数的实矩阵是否是一个m阵,一个简单的数值例子说明了本文得出的结果的应用。 |
英文摘要 |
In this paper the problem of unconditional stability for a class of linear time-invariant large-scale discrete systems with delays is investigated. By using the properties of m matrices, a sufficient condition of unconditional stability for low-order discrete systems with delays is first derived. Then, a comparison principle is presented for discrete systems with delays. Finally, a sufficient condition of unconditional stability for large-scale systems is established by using the aggregation technique based on vector Lyapunov functions. A numerical example is also given to illustrate the applicability of the stability criterion obtained in this paper. |