引用本文:郑大钟, 王龙.参数摄动时一类离散事件动态系统的渐近性能估计和鲁棒性条件*[J].控制理论与应用,1989,6(3):47~55.[点击复制]
Zheng Dazhong, Wang Long.Asymptotical Performance Estimation and Robustness Condition of a Class of DEDS in the Presence of Parameter Perturbations[J].Control Theory and Technology,1989,6(3):47~55.[点击复制]
Asymptotical Performance Estimation and Robustness Condition of a Class of DEDS in the Presence of Parameter Perturbations
摘要点击 1137  全文点击 507  投稿时间:1988-04-18  修订日期:1989-01-03
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中文关键词  离散事件动态系统  性能评价  鲁棒性
英文关键词  Discrete event dynamic systems  Performance evaluation  Robustness
郑大钟, 王龙 清华大学自动化系 
      This paper aims at a class of discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) which can be viewed as linear systems in the sense of maximum algebra. The flexible manufacturing systems are of such discrete event dynamic systems. The problem of effect of parameter perturbations on the asymptotical behavior of DEDS is studied and an estimation of the variation of the eigenvalue, in the sense of maximum algebra, of the system matrix is given. A sufficient condition is also given for insensitivity of the asymptotical performance of the closed-loop DEDS to parameter perturbation. It is believable that the results proposed in this paper can be applied to the engineering problems.