引用本文: | 戴文战 刘鸿强 潘日芳.故障检测及状态偏差估计的二级分解算法*[J].控制理论与应用,1989,6(3):101~107.[点击复制] |
Dai Wenzhan, Liu Hongjiang, Pan Rifang.Fault Detection and Two-decomposition Algorithm for State-error Estimation[J].Control Theory and Technology,1989,6(3):101~107.[点击复制] |
故障检测及状态偏差估计的二级分解算法* |
Fault Detection and Two-decomposition Algorithm for State-error Estimation |
摘要点击 1185 全文点击 547 投稿时间:1987-11-30 修订日期:1989-02-27 |
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DOI编号 |
1989,6(3):101-107 |
中文关键词 故障检测 故障诊断 可靠性 滤波理论 分解估计 |
英文关键词 Fault detection Fault diagnosis Reliability Filtering theory Decomposition estimation |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文首先推导证明当参考模型和实际系统不吻合时,根据参考模型建立的Kalman滤波器所产生的估计残差将与模型的偏离程度成正比,据此给出故障检测方法;其次推导出状态偏差形式的系统方程;最后将B. Friedland提出的分离估计法推广到状态偏差估计中,并进一步提出状态偏差估计的二级分解算法。 |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, it is shown that the residual process produced by Kalman’s filter which is based on the reference system is directly proportional to the mismatch degree of model, and a method of fault detection is presented. In addition, system equation in state error form is given. For simplifying estimation, the two-decomposition algorithm for state error estimation is also proposed. By various simulations, it is shown that using this method we not only can judge whether there are fault but also can effectively estimate the process state, state error, and fault variables in system. |