引用本文: | 张奇志,戈新生 ,刘延柱.基于小波逼近的航天器太阳帆板展开过程最优控制的遗传算法[J].控制理论与应用,1999,16(6):842~847.[点击复制] |
Zhang Qizhi , Ge Xinsheng,Liu Yanzhu.A Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Control of Stretching Process ofSolar Arrays on Spacecraft Based on Wavelet Approximation*[J].Control Theory and Technology,1999,16(6):842~847.[点击复制] |
基于小波逼近的航天器太阳帆板展开过程最优控制的遗传算法 |
A Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Control of Stretching Process ofSolar Arrays on Spacecraft Based on Wavelet Approximation* |
摘要点击 1073 全文点击 518 投稿时间:1998-09-15 修订日期:1999-07-26 |
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DOI编号 |
1999,16(6):842-847 |
中文关键词 最优控制 小波 遗传算法 航天器 |
英文关键词 optimal control wavelet genetic algorithm spaceaaft |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文讨论了航天器太阳帆板展开过程中航天器姿态的最优控制问题.在控制算法中用小波函数逼近控制输入规律.提出了太阳帆板展开过程最优控制的遗传算法.数值仿真表明,小波逼近和遗传算法联合求解最优控制问题是有效的, |
英文摘要 |
The optimal attitude control problem of spacecraft in its solar anays stretching process is discussed. Controlin-put rule is approximated by wavelet. The genetic algorithm of optimal control for the stretching pmcess is proposed. The simula-tions show that wavelet approximation and genetic algorithm are effective tools for solving optimal control problem. |