引用本文: | 方洋旺 , 韩崇昭.基于广义频率响应函数矩阵的非线性闭环控制系统的稳定性研究[J].控制理论与应用,1999,16(6):916~920.[点击复制] |
Fang Yangwang ,Han Chongzhao.Study on Stability of Nonlinear Closed-Loop Control Systems Based on Generalized Frequency Response Function Matrices*[J].Control Theory and Technology,1999,16(6):916~920.[点击复制] |
基于广义频率响应函数矩阵的非线性闭环控制系统的稳定性研究 |
Study on Stability of Nonlinear Closed-Loop Control Systems Based on Generalized Frequency Response Function Matrices* |
摘要点击 1203 全文点击 565 投稿时间:1997-10-28 修订日期:1998-12-09 |
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DOI编号 |
1999,16(6):916-920 |
中文关键词 广义频率响应函数矩阵 非线性控制系统 局部稳定性 |
英文关键词 generalized frequency re.sponse functiun matrix nonlinear MIMO conrrol system local stabiliry |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文基于广义频率响应函数矩阵表示,针对一类多输入多输出非线性系统,提出了直接利用开环稳定性来判断系统闭环稳定性的新方法,并用实例仿真来验证了此判据的有效性. |
英文摘要 |
Based on the representation of generalized frequency response function matrices(GFRFM) .this paper proposes a stability criterion for a class of nonlinear multi-input multi-output closed-loop control systems by the use of open-loop stability of its subsystem, and this criterion is demonstrated by numerons simulation examples. |