引用本文:刘 欣,尹绍清,肖顺达.模糊自适应Smith预估控制及其应用[J].控制理论与应用,1993,10(4):399~403.[点击复制]
LIU Xin,YIN Shaoqing and XIAO Shunda.Fuzzy Adaptive Smith Prediction Control and Its Practical Application[J].Control Theory and Technology,1993,10(4):399~403.[点击复制]
Fuzzy Adaptive Smith Prediction Control and Its Practical Application
摘要点击 1279  全文点击 505  投稿时间:1991-12-09  修订日期:1992-07-27
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中文关键词  模糊控制  自适应Smith 预估  窑温  单片机
英文关键词  fuzzy control  adaptive control  Smith predictor  furnance Temperature  single chip computer
刘 欣,尹绍清,肖顺达 邮电部第四研究所 
      In this paper, a fuzzy, adaptive smith prediction control method is presented. It can be applied to industrial processes with a large time delay and time varying parameters. This method combines the advantages of fuzzy control concept, adaptive control concept and Smith prediction control concept altogether. So as to eliminate the disadvantages to certain degree of the control system by using a single control concept alone. Simulation and real time operation results on the factory show that the design is satisfactory.