引用本文:庞国仲,刘 军,向有敏.鲁棒对角优势及在多变量系统鲁棒设计中应用[J].控制理论与应用,1993,10(4):435~440.[点击复制]
PANG Guozhong, LIU Jun and XIANG Youmin.Robust Diagonal Dominance and Application in Multivariable System Robust Design[J].Control Theory and Technology,1993,10(4):435~440.[点击复制]
Robust Diagonal Dominance and Application in Multivariable System Robust Design
摘要点击 1103  全文点击 564  投稿时间:1991-09-20  修订日期:1993-05-29
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中文关键词  对角优势  鲁棒设计  不确定性系统
英文关键词  digonal dominance  rubust design  uncertain system
庞国仲,刘 军,向有敏 中国科学技术大学自动化系 
      Based on Nyquist Array method of multivariable system and the conclusion that robust diagonal dominance of a system guarantees its robust stability, a robust design method for multivariable system is presented in this paper. The robust precompensator which is designed by this method makes the generalized plant to conform the definition of robust diagonal dominance strictly within some perturbed range, so system is certainly stable. The method has advantages of less conservatism, simple controller and easy to implement in engineering. The results of robust design for an industrial plant with parameter uncertainty are satisfactory.