引用本文: | 庄国忠.矩阵Pade型逼近及多变量控制系统的模型简化[J].控制理论与应用,1993,10(4):451~456.[点击复制] |
ZHUANG Guozhong.Matrix Pade Type Approximations and Model Reduction of Multivariable Control Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,1993,10(4):451~456.[点击复制] |
矩阵Pade型逼近及多变量控制系统的模型简化 |
Matrix Pade Type Approximations and Model Reduction of Multivariable Control Systems |
摘要点击 1363 全文点击 488 投稿时间:1991-12-13 修订日期:1992-07-11 |
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DOI编号 |
1993,10(4):451-456 |
中文关键词 矩阵pade型逼近 模型简化 多变量控制系统 传递函数阵 |
英文关键词 matrix pade type approximation model reduction multivariable control system transfer function matrix |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文给出了一个新的模型简化混合方法:矩阵Pade型方法,该方法首先任选一个矩阵多项式作为简化模型之分母,然后由矩阵Pade型逼近求出其分子。文中的数值例子表明由我们的方法得到的简化模型是原系统的一个好的近似。该法的计算步骤十分简洁。 |
英文摘要 |
In this paper a new mixed method of reduction---matrix Pade type approximation method is introduced. This method chooses an arbitrary matrix polynomial as denominator of a reduced model, then determines numerator of the reduced model by matrix Pade type approximation. The example given in this paper shows that the reduced model derived from our method is a good approximation to the original system. The computational procedure of this method is very concise. |